Individual Exhibits


If you are not a member of a club but have a car that you’re proud of and would like to display it at the show, then you are more than welcome to join us. Please click the button below, fill in the form and you will be allocated a space in an area exclusively reserved for individual exhibits.

Your car pass and details about the event will be emailed to you a few days before the show.

Don’t forget, all occupants will require a ticket to get in. These can be purchased at a disconted rate by clicking the button in the header above or on the day at the gate.

We look forward to seeing you – and your car – at the show!

Please note that entries close at midnight on Wednesday 24th April.

Venue information

Cadwell Park
Cadwell Park Race Circuit,
Lincolnshire LN11 9SE

Tel: 01507 343248
Email: [email protected]

Car Clubs & Traders

If you are a car club or a trader, we would be delighted to welcome you to Modified Live.

Please use the CLUBS page and TRADERS page to book in.